Artist, educator & curator

CV & contact

Plant Parliament
The Dark Reaction
Golden Standard
Holistic masterplan Haninge
Møn Land Reform
Revenge of the Crystals
Model Society
Communities of Desire
Garden of Commons
Plant Nursery
Imaginistic Welfare Institute
Hallucinogenic Parks
Migrating Gardens
Hans Blix' Glasses
SOUP Rooftop Garden
Free Soil Bus Tour
Public Air Quality Indicator

Walking Distance/ Gåafstand
Field Work
Free Soil

See more works

Some rare and out of print books


November 2023

Article and performance
Magasinet for bygningskultur
Article in the latest version of the architectural magazine of the The Royal Academy, performance and talk at the opening event. Read it online.

September 2023
Essay Altinget
About a golden standard for Funds that support art and culture. With proposals on how they can work more sustainable in relations to government, buildings and activities. Read it here

September 2023
Workshop with Kultivator and Skovgro arranged by Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. I participated as co-founder and member of the board of Skovgro. Facebook event
Website Hosting Lands

September 2023

                            Royal Academy
Drawing class with students at The Royal Academy, architecture school in Kalundborg. A wonderful day with motivated and highly skilled students.

August 2023
Vandringer, Walks

Vandringer Vejrhøj
Walking workshop with students at Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk working with Ursula Le Guin, and being in the Landscape of Odsherred, Denmark

September 2022
Plant School
A performance talk with a plant as co-teacher at PDAS

December 2020
The Dark Reaction
The Dark reaction
Hand drawn and foldable A0 map on the power plant in Stockholm center that produces energy from burning wood and the photosynthetic process behind it that stores carbon dioxide called The Dark Reaction. Made with Pia Rönicke for Mossutstallningar

September 2020
Planetarisk Poetik
Planetarisk Poetik
Essay in the art journal about a planetary poetics for art.

August 2020
Musical composition and performance for 
På Den Anden Siden, Møn, DK
Planternes Parlament
Nis Rømer and Mycelium Homeostatic Orchestra: The Plant Parlament, 2020. For the exhibition Metabolisme. Photo by: Jenny Gräf Sheppard

May 2020
Master of Public Governance
During the lock down I finished a Master in Public Governance at CBS. I studies rhetorics, economy, budgeting and many other topics and used it in my work as chair of BKF and to study cases in relation to education, equal rights and ecology within the arts and the cultural sector. Studying alongside and learning from other professionals in the public sector was a major gift that gave a broad insight into our welfare society. Also I took away a lot of inspiration for my work as a teacher from the skilled teaching staff from Copenhagen University and CBS. Thanks to you too.
Master of Public Governance

May 2019
The Golden Standard at Mossudställningar, Stockholm

"Walking distance" made a performative walk in Hjorthagen, a newly built addition to Stockholm. We made a meteorological Sci Fi about the dismatling of the city and  evacuation to higher grounds. Power plants was abandoned and rabbits were roaming freely behind the fences, read more on our walking website:

4. November 2017
Genvalgt som formand for BKF
I de to år jeg har været formand har Billedkunstnernes Forbund oplevet stor medlemsfremgang, efteruddannelsesområdet er styrket massivt, BKF har sat fokus på dimittender og optager nu studerende. Jeg er valgt for to år til. Jeg glæder mig til opgaven og takker for tilliden.

12. juni 2017, Oslo
I bedømmelseskomité for forskningsarbejde ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

Geir Tore Holm har netop forsvaret sit forskningsarbejde ”Poetikk for estetik i ændring” i disputats ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Jeg sad i bedømmelseskommitteen sammen med Kristin Bergaust professor ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus og Harald Gaski, 1. amanuensis ved Universitetet i Tromsø. På billedet er også rektor Jørn Mortensen. Til disputatsen havde vi spændende diskussioner på højeste niveau om kunst, socialitet, samisk kultur og politik. Geir Tore Holm har sammen med Søssa Jørgensen stået bag Sørfinset skole i Nordlandet. Se i øvrigt Søssa og Geir Tores nye projekt;

15 juni 2017
Folkemøde i Allinge

Sammen med BKFs uddannelses koordinater var jeg til til Folkemøde på Bornholm, hvor vi stod bag kunstneriske indlag med bl.a. Jeanette Ehlers og debatter om kunst og kultur.

15. juni 2017
Gåafstand i Brøndbyøster

Læs beretningen fra besøget i Priorparken og på Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, herbariet.

1. September 2016
In the Air

Opening of  the project "In the Air". Architecture for birds on the former Skovlunde Airstrip. With Hartmut Stockter, Camilla Berner and more.

16. August 2016
Article in Kunstkritikk

Interview by Maria Bordorff, concerning artist organizations and what in my view is the most important art-political topics now.

15. March 2016 
Screening of "Mønstersamfundet" at Copenhagen Architecture Festival.
With Walking Distance at SAB Selskabslokaler, Tingbjerg, Copenhagen.
By Gåafstand
 at Copenhagen Architecture festival
Time and place; 15. March 2016 at 18.30

20. February 2016
NEW Podcast

Listen to the new podcast by BYLYD, where I talk about anti-terror architecture

15. February  - 10. April , 2016
It's the Political Economy, Stupid

At DAAP Galleries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati (US)
Link to news report

1. January 2016
Chairman of Danish Visual Artists

As of January 1st 2016 I am chairman of Danish Visual Artists.

18-19 November 2015
Running in Darkness

We are shooting the 7 parts mini TV series; Running in Darkness about the re-enchantment of the world trough art and sexuality. Featuring: Mara Door, Hannah Arendt,Walter Gropius, Max Weber and more.

2 Sept - 4 Nov 2015
Four evenings with ecological food, talks, debate, eksperimental music and readings in Holbæk, Denmark. With more than 500 participants.
Read more at Spisefællesskabet

16 January 2015
1st prize to Agridrome

In a competition by the association ModHer the 1st prize was given given for my proposal AgriDrome. A bike path shaped as a diagram of farmland prices is hovering over the landscape, and entering an abandoned slurry tank turned into a velodrome. A landscape of leisurely criticality.

26 November 2014
Sustain Talks at the Royal College of Art London
Ill be a speaker at the RCA that runs a series of talks on sustainability.
Sustain Talks

14 November 2014
Bauhaus Lab, Dessau
Bauhaus Lab
I'll be guest critic at the Bauhaus Lab, for: "In Reserve: Concerning the Architecture of the Reservoir". Bauhaus Lab is a post graduated research program for art, design and architecture. See their interesting study here: Bauhaus Lab 

08 November 2014
NEW BOOK: An Edge Effect: Art & Ecology in the Nordic Landscape

An Edge Effect: Art & Ecology in the Nordic Landscape is a collection of interviews, case studies, and two original essays by curators, Sue Spaid (United States) and Anne Sophie Witzke (Denmark).
Edited by Bonnie Fortune
Interviews with Camilla Berner, Jane Jin Kaisen, Nance Klehm, Marie Markman, Nils Norman, Nis Rømer, Åsa Sonjasdotter, Cold Coast Archive: Signe Lidén / Annesofie Norn / Steve Rowell, Kultivator: Mathieu Vrijman & Malin Lindmark Vrijman, Learning Site: Rikke Luther & Cecilia Wendt, Myvillages: Kathrin Böhm / Wapke Feenstra / Antje Schiffers, Open Source Food: André Amtoft & Arendse Krabbe.
BOOK RELEASE AT THE SCHOOL OF Walls & Space Kongens Nytorv 1
22. November 14-16
Get your copy at Half Letter Press

07 November 2014
REFORM - the book

When we hear the word reform today it mostly means spending cuts. Round 1900  the german centered Life-refom movement 
(Lebensreform) proposed reforms for most aspects of human life, in order to make everyday life, art and ecology melt together. We want to  take back the notion of reform and restart a discussion on how we live together in visionary ways. This publication is the conclusion to the project  Reform curated by Publik (DK), Konsthall C (SE) and Landmark (N)
You can buy the book at Antipyrine
And read more about Reform at

10 November 2014
It's the Political Economy, Stupid will travel to Cyprus.

The show will take place at NeMe Arts Centre from
10 November till 6 December 2014. Fieldwork is participating with the video; Revenge of the Crystals.

6 September 2014

State of Exception

A walk about the embassy system, Carl Schmitt and states of exceptions made for the public program at Copenhagen Art Week by our group Walking Distance. It was curated by Charlotte Bagger Brandt.
Read our report here: The newspaper Information also wrote a full feature on it (in Danish)

12 March 2014
It's The Political Economy, Stupid in Croatia

Fieldwork is participating with the video; Revenge of the Crystals.
The exhibition is accompanied by a publication, It’s the Political Economy, Stupid: The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory (Pluto Press, 2013), featuring essays by Slavoj Žižek, Brian Holmes, Judith Butler, David Graeber, Julia Bryan-Wilson,John Roberts, and others.  
At Galerija Nova in Zagreb, Croatia. 12 March till 3 May 2014

28 October 2013
We show work at the Architecture Biennale in São Paulo, Brazil

"Actions: What You Can Do With the City" takes the form of a large paper archive and rebuilds and documents the initial 99 actions shown at CCA in 2008. Please find attached the press release and the link to the exhibition page on the CCA website.

We present this project;
A collaboration between Marie Markman, Jesper dyrehauge and Nis Rømer.
On show from
From 28 October until 1 December 2013.
The show is Curated by Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA)

9 November 2013
Poster project; Møn Land Reform

For the exhibition; The Commune is Yours, (Kommunen er din). A poster and text proposing a reform of land use on Møn a southern island in Denmark. Made in conjunction with the municipal election campaign at Møn, Denmark, 2013. Curated by; Kristina Ask og Christian Hillesø

1 November 2013
IT’S THE POLITICAL ECONOMY, STUPID at Gallery 400 in Chicago

From 01 November till 14 December 2013. Filedwork Show the video; Revenge of the crystals.

3 September 2013
A Queer History of Haninge

At the exhibition Konstodlingar Konsthallen, Haninge kulturhus
3rd September – 13 October 2013.

With Leontine Arvidsson, Annika Holmér,  Bjørn Bjarre, Karoline H Larsen, Per Kristian Nygård and Nis Rømer. website

04 July 2013
Workaround at the exhinition Historias incomparables in San Sebastian
FIELD WORK show our work; Workarounds at;
Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
San Sebastian
04 July till 11 October 2013


01 February 2013
Pori Artmuseum, WING, MEDIApoint, Finland
01 February till 26 May 2013

Curated by Oliver Ressler & Gregory Sholette 

It’s the Political Economy, Stupid brings together a group of superlative artists who focus on the current crisis in a sustained and critical manner. Rather than acquiesce to our current calamity this exhibition asks if it is not time to push back against the disciplinary dictates of the capitalist logic and, as if by some artistic sorcery, launch a rescue of the very notion of the social itself. 
Additional program has been scheduled, on the occasion of the exhibition: 
Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki: Workshop Oliver Ressler: Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies, 28 January at 10-16.00 and 29 January at 10-13.30, advance enrolment 

Lecture and book launch 
Oliver Ressler: Take The Square, 29 January at 15.00, free admission Oliver Ressler will present the exhibition and the publication "It’s the Political Economy, Stupid: The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory" published by Pluto Press (UK) and Pori Art Museum

01 February 2013
Pori Art Museum lecture serie 

Lecture Oliver Ressler: Spatial Occupations 30 September 2013 at 18.30 Pori Art Museum, lecture hall, free admission 
Curator and Artist Talks ; Friday 01 February 2013 at 12.00 Oliver Ressler and flo6x8 group will be present, free admission 
Opening Friday 01 February 2013 at 18.00, opening performance by flo6x8 group 
The exhibition It’s the Political Economy, Stupid launched a preview exhibition at Open Space in Vienna (2011), continued at Austrian Cultural Forum in New York and Centre of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki (both 2012). The show at Pori Art Museum is carried out in co-operation with Austrian Embassy (Helsinki) 
Media release >> 

01 February 2013
PUBLICATION: It’s the Political Economy, Stupid 
The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory
Gregory Sholette, Oliver Ressler 
ISBN: 978-952-5648-36-2 
ISSN: 0359-4327