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Dr. Jørgen Brandt, Head of Section and Senior Scientist. Dr. Brandt is head of section of the research section “Integrated Modelling”, at NERI’s Department of Atmospheric Environment.

He has a PhD in geophysics and meteorology from the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. His main research interests are atmospheric short and long range transport modelling, forecasting of weather and air pollution, CO2 budget modelling with respect to global change and advanced numerical, validation and visualization techniques for use in meteorological and air pollution models.

He has developed the THOR Integrated Air Pollution Forecast and Scenario System, which includes a series of models capable of weather and air pollution forecasting, management and assessment on European scales to urban street scale.

He participated in the development of the hemispheric nested DEHM model for studying transport, chemical transformations, deposition and fluxes of many chemical compounds (now also including CO2 and particles). He has written more than 100 international publications on these and related topics and participated in and given talks at more than 50 international conferences.

Nis Rømer works with public art in the city, on the web and in the newsmedia. With a playfull and interactive approach, he makes situations for change and reflection. He has a special interest in the social and political organization of space and in how processes of globalization affects the city and our natural environment.

Nis has studied at the Jutland Academy of Fine Arts and at the Berlage institute in Rotterdam; a postraduate MA in architecture and urban planning. He has done a series of public works and has recently exhibited at The Esbjerg Museum of Fine arts, at ISEA 2004 in Helsinki and at Overgaden Institute for Contemporary Art .

He is a part of Free Soil; an international hybrid collaboration of artists, activists, researchers and gardeners who take a participatory role in the transformation of our environment. They are currently working on a project for the Smart Museum in Chicago, and ISEA 2006 in San José.

Nis is a member of the board of UKK (Young Artists and Art Workers) and C-SAM center for contemporary art in Århus.

contact; nisroemer AT

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